Spider-Woman shield tingle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

theromeo3517 · 1935

Spider-Woman Shield-Tingle

Jessica Drew is collaborating with her friends at Shield and her friends from the Spider-verse to stay one step ahead of the enemy!

This deck is made to set up Spider-Tingle to always hit a treachery by manipulating the encounter deck with Global Logistics, Blindfold and Jessica Drew's alter-ego ability. There are also 6 stun/confuses in the deck to keep the villain locked down. With good set up in solo, the villain phase can pass with nothing but the step 1 threat happening.

Mission Prep

Hard Mulligan for either Helicarrier, Monica Chang, or Surveillance Team so that Global Logistics has a target. Second Priority is Warrior of the Great Web and Web of Life and Destiny, preferably in that order so the cost is lower. The only card that requires another web warrior card is Ghost-Spider, the rest can be played whenever, but have nice kickers with other web cards. Get Deft Focus down to pay for the 15 superpower cards in the deck. It can be tough paying for everything early game, so use One Way or Another and Skilled Investigator to get some extra cards early on. Even before there are web-warriors down, try to get every Spider-Tingle that you see on the board, and get them in the discard before you shuffle so you see them again.


Stun or confuse the villain with Pheromones or Thwip! Thwip! and use some combination of Global Logistics, Blindfold, and the alter ego power to get intel on the encounter deck. Count the cards carefully and you will know when a treachery is coming and use Spider-Tingle to cancel it. If you're lucky, Spider-Man Noir is also down and can keep that treachery for later


Once the stage is set and the villain is locked down, it's time to do some damage. The deck is light on damage, it only has Venom Blast and ally attacks. When it's time to end the game, take a few turns and set up the board so that multiple web-warriors will leave play on a turn where you have a Self-Propelled Glide or 2 in hand. Have the web-heads attack and leave play, drawing you cards and increasing attack through Warrior of the Great Web. Hopefully you can play 2-4 aspect cards with that extra draw, and get your attack in the 4-8 range, and activate multiple times. That, plus the damage from your allies, should be enough to finish off most villains in solo.

Deck Dossier

In testing, this deck has taken out Klaw, Absorbing man, Drang, Tower defense, Sabretooth, and Venom + the inheritors all in expert. Even with villains with steady, or that mill the encounter deck faster, the deck is still able to win by preventing the enemy from advancing their board state.

Have fun with the deck, let me know if you have any fun substitutions or cool stories!


Apr 18, 2023 journeyman2 · 24001

Will have to check it out next time we play!

Apr 19, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5148

Looks good, I will have to build it and try it out! I will let you know how it goes

Apr 22, 2023 Marctimmins89 · 298

This looks awesome! Keen to check it out :)

May 08, 2023 josseroo · 702

Well isn't that handy that Spider-Tingle and Thwip! Thwip! are both superpowers. This deck looks right up my alley

May 13, 2023 MacGhille · 250

This looks like a ton of fun. Excite to try it!

May 13, 2023 MacGhille · 250


Jun 28, 2023 ThatDudeGuy · 1

This deck is a lot of fun! Playing solo vs Zola with the Shadow King modular, she got set up quickly and could easily control the board with stuns and confusion. She could do pretty much anything she wanted.

Except deal with regular biggish minions with guard. Every time I set up a burst damage turn, a 7 HP minion with guard would appear. Or Shadow King would steal one of my key Web-Warrior allies.

In the end, I controlled the board perfectly without ever flipping the villain until acceleration tokens got me. It didn't quite work out here, but I look forward to trying it in a game with fewer or squishier minions :)

Thanks for building it!