Colossus | T-1000 (Get Up and Game!)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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JWalton77 · 1302

This Colossus deck is built on the idea that Titanium Muscles can give you two resources when you have 2 Toughs, and that can easily pay for a Clobber, which can be returned and played again. Oh and while you’re at it trigger 2 Fluid Motion to bump Colossus’s attack up for the phase and then ready him repeatedly with Limitless Stamina and Bulletproof Protector.

With Organic Steel keeping you in Toughs and Fluid Motion bumping your attack, you’re basically a Terminator. The T-1000 to be exact.

It’s a lot of setup and none thwarting so you’re really going to need a partner. Plus you want to be flipping back and forth for all the free Toughs and shuffling back in your key cards, both with Colossus’s Alter Ego power and Assault Training to get the Clobbers back. But once your setup you’ll easily be able to end the game in a couple turns with your massive repeated punches and very damaging events.

So you really want to get out Titanium Muscles and Martial Prowess to help pay for attack events, as well as Organic Steel and Iron Will to get the Colossus engine running. Deft Focus helps get the upgrades out and also pays for Limitless Stamina.

Allies are there mainly for blocking. You really want to protect your Toughs and be usIng them for your effects.

Once you’re up and running you can play a Clobber, return it, play it again, triggering 2 Fluid Motions. If you have Combat Training and Titanium Muscles that’s a base attack of 6 to go along with the 6 you’ve already done with the Clobbers. Now you can do a massive basic attack and throw in Made of Rage for 6 more damage and some overkill. A couple turns like that and the game will be over!


Apr 24, 2023 Sluggie · 4

Sadly, Clobber is so horribly a bad card by the numbers....but you have done a good job of "trying" to make it viable.

Prob better to just use things like Surprise Attack (since Colossus wants to FF & Armor up is a thing) for a 4 damage with 1RED base cost. Which doing 1 more base damage pays for the "mid-late game' Fluid Motion miss-out and better in the early game. And being 1 cheaper in the first place counts as the refund for the conditional first play Clobber which sucks on the AE turn and you want to play/use those options (since you put extras of those in the deck) etc.

The other cheap 1+base Agg attacks are prob also more viable for multi-Fluid Motion. Being that you spend 4 total mana to play the 2 (Self+1, Self+1) events rather than effective 5 (Self+2+2) total mana.

I'd drop the 2xAssault Training, 3xClobber, and add 2 sets of 2-3 cheap-ass Agg Attacks. Press the Advantage (since you can stun & confuse a target) & One by One (let your allies set up a minion for the fall) come to mind. With more of these cheap-ass events, you can still draw into them to have 2-3 AND you don't have to "pay" upfront for recycling with Assault Training.

Personally, I'd run Sunfire, Forge, Angel, & Utopia as your chump blockers and they come with the straighten off Utopia. Maybe even the The X-Jet. These would be good to pay 2 mana off Titanium Muscles, which as noted come with a straighten for colossus so as to thump opponents again.

Apr 24, 2023 journeyman2 · 23935

I like Colossus Aggression, and this seems like a neat way to go with him, using Clobber+Fluid Motion+Limitless Stamina is neat! I might still swap out the Assault Trainings when I run him, there’s still a chance that if you put Clobber back on the flip down, that you’ll mill it with Studio before drawing into it (unless waiting to Assault Training until after Studio’ing twice and just before the flip up, which delays getting it back anyways). With all the draw, Colossus can deck and fish for Clobbers, if he runs out, and in the meantime can use Steel Fist/Drop Kick to boost. The deck seems very fast, and it’s just one thing slowing it down over something like two more blockers in the early game.

This deck combos really well with a Wolverine player, with both running Fastball Special (to take advantage of your Fluid Motions!)

I really want to check this out!

Apr 24, 2023 JWalton77 · 1302

@Sluggiethank you so much for your thoughts and suggestions! I’ve always liked Clobber and didn’t realize it was considered a bad card. I like it here for the guaranteed two-event play for triggering 2 Fluid motions. That’s another 2 damage along with the 6 from the events plus 2 more after every ready. I’m sure your math is correct so maybe it’s not the best but that was my thinking. I’m not a fan of Surprise Attack outside of heroes that can change forms within hero form. It can so often be a dead draw.

The allies are totally interchangeable and I just picked a few I like for cheap blockers so I think your suggestion would likely make the deck better. I’m disappointed I totally forgot about Utopia for another ready so going with X-men allies makes a ton of sense!

For me Clobber is an essential part of the combo which is why I have the assault trainings. I like to guarantee they’re available for the late game push!

Apr 24, 2023 JWalton77 · 1302

@journeyman2 thank you for the kind words! Yeah I can see what you mean about the Studio and Clobber. I didn’t say it in the write up but once I’ve got the main Colossus setup pieces out I probably wouldn’t use the studio for that very reason. But that’s also partially because the whole theme of the deck is using Clobber to fuel Fluid Motion. So from a theme standpoint it’s more important to get the Clobbers back in the deck with Assault Training and don’t risk losing them. But when actually playing the game that might not always be the right move. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to get a couple more allies or attack events in there instead :)

Apr 24, 2023 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

Not sure about Clobber being a bad card... its one of the better 2+ cost options and Titanium Muscles makes you want to play something higher than 1. This is a better value than Melee, Uppercut and Fusillade and doesnt have a kicker like Relentless Assault. No Quarter would be reasonable except you'd mill past those sweet sweet hero cards.

Seems like Clobber was a pretty awesome card to build around. Well done!!

Apr 25, 2023 JWalton77 · 1302

@teamcanadahockey2002 thank you so much!

May 06, 2023 celric · 441

This idea is cool and fun.

As others have noted it could be more efficient. You got quality tips above, but here’s a different angle:

-3 Clobber, -1 Fluid Motion, -1 Assault Training, -2 Power of Aggression

+1 Angel, +1 Sunfire, +1 X-Jet, +1 X-Gene, +1 Moira McTaggert, +2 Mutant Education

More allies mean more turns 2 Tough. Shuffling great events back into your deck (Steel Fist and Drop Kick), beats lots of Clobber. More permanent resources help you consistently play more of everything.