You Shall Not Pass!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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aschneider2525 · 47

Oh, Thor... our glorious "Master of One": ATTACK!


Survive and set-up Thor on a first deck pass and unleash MASSIVE damage in the mid-late game.


YOU SHALL NOT PASS... on the following cards:

  1. Team-Building Exercise
  2. Asgard
  3. Quincarrier
  4. Honed Technique
  5. Martial Prowess


  • I. LOVE. Team-Building Exercise. Dive Bomb has AERIAL, most of Thor's hero kit and allies have ASGARD, and Quincarrier has AVENGER if it's not in play before this card. This card is crucial for success.
  • You really want Asgard in play to adjust his hand size ASAP. The aforementioned card can help pay for this too!
  • Following those supports we want Quincarrier for resource manipulation.
  • Speaking of, Honed Technique is next. We're working towards setting up some heavy attacks with Dive Bomb, Piercing Strike, & Hammer Throw for later. 11 damage attacks and a 5 attacks with piercing!
  • Finally, we have Martial Prowess, our Ole Reliable resource generator. Thor has lots of attacks and needs the resources to pay for them.
  • Gatekeeper is added for 's and needed threat removal. Thor's got plenty of damage to kill any minion, so +2 health is nothing.


If you've survived long enough to see a 2nd deck pass and MOST of these supports and upgrades are in play, this deck will SING!

Good Luck!