Reduce Reuse Recycle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Reduce Reuse Recycle adapted 0 0 0 1.0

Shazbahty · 580

This "off meta" hero/aspect combo is a Rocket Raccoon Leadership deck designed around making sure nothing goes to waste!

This deck is simple enough play out allies, equip them with upgrade, then ditch both. Once you've done that go ahead and recycle them with Make the Call and Salvage. Beast is also behind the green movement helping you retrieve Salvage to keep this deck rolling. This deck has plenty of resources to make sure you will always have them to pay for Moon Girl. Gamora Groot Martinex and Major Victory are there to use as targets for Laser Blaster and Comms Implant. The only thing not disposable in this deck is Groot. Groot is your buddy and a nice holding place for an upgrade so you'll always have a target for tinkering, so try to keep him on the board as long as possible.

Knowhere was originally included to help card draw but honestly between Moon Girl and Rocket's abilities could probably be cut for a Helicarrier to keep with the theme or a Crew Quarters or another Guardian for more upgrade targets. Rocket has plenty of ways to deal damage in his kit with Rocket's Pistol Particle Cannon and Rocket Launcher so if you're more concerned with threat you can always switch Go Down Swinging with Save the Day, though honestly I found him able to handle threat quite well with Moon Girl and I've Got a Plan.

On a personal note this deck help my identify why leadership has lacked appeal to me. Leadership decks never feel like they are built for the hero but rather their trait. I feel like this deck has been a good step forward for me in leadership because this feels like a mechanically thematic deck for Rocket and not just a generic Guardian deck.