Colossus vs. Project Wideawake (Heroic Roulette)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Colossus vs. Sentinel Heroic (+video) 0 0 0 1.0

Stretch22 · 631

Welcome to the second deck in my Heroic Roulette series with Mutant Genesis. You can see the first deck and read more about what Heroic Roulette is here:

Round 1: Cyclops Protection vs. Sabretooth -

The Matchup:

Project Wideawake is a unique scenario in which the villain is steady/stalwart and the Operation Zero Tolerance side scheme makes you lose if you block with allies. Thus, the only way to survive the villain's attacks is with tough status cards...enter Colossus.

Justice feels necessary for this scenario for Counterintelligence alone, the only way to prevent the main scheme from hitting its threshold of 5 when you flip to Alter-Ego. Justice also gives us One Way or Another to find the Abduction Protocols that put the powerful X-Men allies like Boom Boom and Wolfsbane into play when defeated.

Card choices

Because we plan to never block with allies, there aren't many allies in the deck. The allies that come in off Abduction Protocols will occupy the ally slots most of the game.

1x Agent Coulson, 3x Counterintelligence. This is the only way in the game for Colossus to feel safe going into AE against a stalwart villain with a main scheme "threshold" of 5. Sentinel doesn't have any extra ways to scheme besides Advance, so flipping to AE can still be part of the game plan with a Counterintelligence active.

3x Clear the Area, 3x Turn the Tide: Must-haves for any try-hard justice deck. With a main scheme that never gets above 4, it should always be possible to draw a card with Clear and trigger Turn.

1x Weapon X. Don't worry about the awkwardness with tough cards. The combo with Piotr's reshuffle ability is nice. (Piotr's Studio has the same combo)

1x First Aid. A flex slot, but highly efficient in a long game where allies are dying to consequential damage.

Game review: 2 wins, 1 loss

Before my first win, I had many losses with decks that were a few cards off from this final configuration. Once I changed my strategy to never allowing any cards to go under OZT, I got my first win. This means playing Counterintelligence or holding a Armor Up even when a more efficient or resource-developing play could be made. This was actually the first scenario in the roulette challenge I won since the matchup was most obvious, so I circled back to it months later to play it again. Got one loss but managed to repeat my victory. Get ready for a long game with lots of cardboard in play, but it sure is fun!

Next time:

Join me next time as Aggression Wolverine abuses the free Magneto ally to blitz down Master Mold!
