Less Thinking, More Blasting!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Max wild 1 0 0 1.0
Max wild 0 0 0 2.0
Max wild 0 0 0 3.0
Max wild 0 0 0 4.0
Domino Leadership with only Some Wild 0 0 0 1.0
Aggro 0 0 0 1.0

HeroicSkeleton · 384

Domino can be a very thinky hero. You can go down into alter ego to activate Pip the Pug and Weapon X to get an identity card from your discard pile to the top of your deck and then into your hand. Play an ally with Jackpot!, swap it from your discard to your hand with another card, flip up to swap Jackpot! with the one on the top, then activate your guns to discard that Jackpot! for 3 damage and shuffle it back in the deck.
That's great. Really cool. Yep.


Less Thinking, More Shooting

Normally, trying to get the right cards on the top of your deck can be complex task. This deck has 29 wilds, 3 doubles, and 1 triple. That makes the chances of hitting a good shot with her pistols...well...really good (math is too much thinking). Your main goal is to get your 4 guns out (more on that in a bit), and just fire away. No stacking the deck, no alter ego shinnanigans, no dogs or bears necessary!

Your guns:

  • Domino's Pistols: These should be a top priority. Once you get one down, you will be doing an extra 2 damage every turn for free without any additional set up. Ultimately, you want to get your second one down and sharpshooter as well.
  • Plan B: Your third gun. This deck often has a card or 2 to spare, especially when you discard Digging Deep.
  • Blade: Your final gun. I just call him Plan C.

All together, you will be doing 12 damage per turn for 2 resources.

What else can we play?

  • Resourceful is a card that almost never has a place in this game. We are using it for the wild resource, of course. But I've had a few games where I actually played one. It's something you can do if there's nothing better, which can happen every once and a while if you get too many resources in your hand. If anything, it protects you from getting Caught Off Guard.

  • X-Gene is a good turn 1 play, since we won't typically be flipping down to alter ego to play it later. Its not necessary, but can help with playing her identity events.

  • Probability Field is always good, but not as high a priority here as your guns. You will likely be defending most turns, but can use it to thwart or attack a few times.

  • Lucky Break is an amazing card. Always play this if possible.

  • Diamondback, Outlaw, Deadpool, and Venom can all be good plays. Rocket, Groot, and Ghost-Spider can all be played from the discard with Make the Call. The Power in All of Us will give double resources when grabbing them with Make the Call. Out of these, so far I've preferred Groot. He can soak up a few hits for you so you don't ever have to flip down.

Speaking of that, you should be rushing down the villain in 3-5 turns and not flipping down if possible. So Pip the Pug and The Painted Lady are not really important.

We are only really using her hero power to get a better card in our hand. We aren't concerned with stacking the deck (other than with White Fox, Digging Deep, or Jackpot!), since the top card is already most likely stacked in our favor.


At first, I thought this was just going to be a meme build. But then it rushed through all of GMW with zero problems at all. And its a lot of fun to do so. You can gun down villains in 3-5 turns, and you often have extra wild resources to handle any annoying cost effects the villain throws at you. It's a completely different way to play Domino, and not how I'd typically play her. It's not concerned with doing complex deck stacking or all the "juggling" that she is known for. It's far more simple to pilot than her usual brain-burning playstyle. If you find Domino too complex, or just want a change of pace, give it a go!


Nov 02, 2023 Alpo · 100

GMW? Did you defeat Ronan with this?

Nov 22, 2023 HeroicSkeleton · 384

Yep! It beat standard Ronan :)

Sep 02, 2024 seneca29 · 173

Yes, this is great. Using a very similar deck (I was missing some cards) I defeated Ronan (and Venom Goblin, Loki, Magneto, etc.) on Expert.