She's Expecting

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Doc_H · 21

boy or girl

The beauty of the pink and blue aspects for this gravid girl are amazing.

This deck access to whatever you want:

  1. Damage output
  2. Thwarting
  3. Resources
  4. Allies (for swarm or chumping)
  5. Access to status tokens
  6. Card draw
  7. Recursion (of allies)
  8. Tutoring (of supports)
  9. Hero readying
  10. Healing
  11. Deck thinning

My first pass through the deck is mostly about stabilizing the board and defending, while slowly building up the resource generators (Finesse, Clarity of Purpose, Deft Focus, Helicarrier). I also try to get Avengers Mansion down with one of Pool's resources.

The next goals depend on the scenario, but if not struggling with tempo then I try to find:

-Healing Factor to power Clarity of Purpose and Stick-To-Itiveness.

-Captain Marvel to attack/thwart and generate cards; I try to get good mileage out of her with Reinforced Suit, Get Ready, Get Rage-y, Innovation and Command Team

-Plot Convenience: one of my favorites to end the game since I can park Go All Out and Push Ahead under it and then save them for later in the game when I have lots of resource generators and cheap aspect cards; very easy to get her stats to +4/+4/+4 and not uncommon to get +5/+5/+5. I've played five different aspect cards a few times, but really, by that point you are already winning. And sometimes I'll tuck a Pool resource down there for a rainy day. Lastly, in multi-player, it's nice to be able to give players the baby gifts I'm leaving under here (or vice-versa).

Deck Thinning: With 3 allies, 6 supports and 8 upgrades (plus the ability to tuck some events under Plot Convenience, the deck gets thin quickly. Plus, with Avengers Mansion and Captain Marvel, it's common to be up to seven card during hero phase. Once built up, you'll burn through your deck in about two and a half turns, alllowing you to lay down whatever you need at the moment.

Misc: Dogpool was not an early inclusion, but I find having a TOUGH pinger very nice; also, without consequential damage he hangs around and can be an emergency chump. He also makes "I Got This" useful.

Side deck: Laser Swords is a nice addition if you are playing with someone else playing the 'Pool aspect because they may drive the icons (I take out one of the "I Got This" as it can be a weaker link)

So anyway, life will change when the babies come, but she's having fun now.


Mar 01, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

Bro, Pool is always spicy. But, this deck looks wild. I'm not even a leadership fan, but I haven't seen many lists in the aspect that focus moreso on being well-rounded and maximizing Hero abilities either. This deck really does have a little bit of everything and allows way more flexibility. I tried her in Protection Leadership before, reactive style, but she just wasn't good enough (probably also because my card pool sucked back then). I may have to eventually build this once I have more packs and expansions. The only thing holding me back is the amount of packs. Nice list though bro.

Jun 11, 2024 Doc_H · 21

@Sindrik8x so sorry I missed your comment earlier! I love the flexibility in this deck—it’s great solo but the flexibility lets me help out wherever needed in multiplayer, too. Hope you get the packs you want soon, but I bet you already have enough to make a great deck with her.