The Illumi-what-y?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dont_be_rash · 42


So they say Doctor Strange lacks flavor and variety...Hm. Well, what if we put together something with a bit of memeability? Here's a Doctor Strange deck that isn't focused on just cycling the Invocation deck. (Although we always enjoy that right?) And instead relies on Summoning Spell and it's ability to cheat in expensive allies.

The Allies:

Each of these allies has been involved in the Illuminati in various ways. Giant-Man is a bit of a stand in for Hank Pym, who would be an option but is a real bummer to Summoning Spell into play. You also may point out that Nick Fury was never in the Illuminati, and you're right. But doesn't he feel like he should have been? (It's a reach. Please accept it.) If you've already used Summoning Spell Black Panther can retrieve it. Captain Marvel has a decent number of energy cards to potentially discard. And all of these allies enjoy Rapid Response.

The Events: Avengers Assemble! is a good card to grab if you summoned in Black Panther through Summoning Spell spell. Earth's Mightiest Heroes can ready us up for more Invocation spells or we can ready our allies for more efficiency. Spiritual Meditation is just a good way of finding the cards we want when we want them.

Player Side Schemes: Superpower Training is just a good way of grabbing our Cloak or the Eye. Call for Backup will get us the ally we want, when we want it.

The Supports: So many good options! Avengers Tower helps with the high cost curve for an unlucky turn. Command Team can do some crazy ally shenanigans with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Leadership Training can retrieve Summoning Spell for us, as can Sanctum Sanctorum. Both require alter ego, but we also have a few different options for Confuse.

The Upgrades: Prioritize getting the Cloak. It's just good. Honorary Avenger is helpful to Wong and Beast. Rapid Response makes Command Team that much more satisfying to use. The Sorcerer Supreme is just an auto include for any Mystic.

That's it! Hope you enjoy this deck more than Expert Ronan did. ;)


Jun 23, 2024 Dont_be_rash · 42

Thanks for checking out my deck. If you happen to try it out, tell me about your experience. It'll help me improve this deck or for the next one. Happy gaming.

Jun 23, 2024 boomguy · 758

Thanks for sharing your deck!

Jun 23, 2024 Dont_be_rash · 42

@boomguy Thanks for the comment and the like! You're the man.