p1 · 16
This Deck is meant for 3&4 players because of Spider-Man mechanic to Thwart.
Mulligan for Mind Scan or Spider-Man or For Justice!
Always support your team first with the setup side sceme Build Support. Have everyone aim to finish that first turn. Pick up Graymalkin to generate resources for you and another resource every time a side scheme is completed
If you complete Specialized Training, take the Surveillance Specialist and pass around Combat Specialist Defense Specialist Front Line Specialist to the other players
Prioritize Chance Encounter with Spider-Man
Mutant Education your Mind Scan. Your Mind Scan is the best thwarting card there is in the game. Recycle it as often as you can.
Don't underestimate Askani'son as you can defend an attack, finish a side scheme, and ready up during the villain phase and it will not affect you're ready up when you finish side schemes in player phase because of Cable's ability is limited to once per phase.
Your nemesis Stryfe and his cards are truly a counter to you. It is best to have Telekinetic Force Field for his Telekinetic Blast ready and you can always Forced Amnesia the Back to the Future if you haven't used it for another side scheme already.
After you're ramped, Telekinetic Blast Have fun Thwarting everything the Villain can muster!
My cousin uses a similar Cable Justice deck, but its not as good as this! Thanks for the tips.
"Woo, I'm about to make a name for myself with this deck"