Card draw simulator
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
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None yet |
mournful · 5
The problem was clear. How do you shoot everything with Goldballs all the time?
The answer? This Spider-Woman Goldballs recursion deck.
The following turn happened to me and it could happen to you too!
Goldballs has Attack Training and 2hp remaining.
- Goldballs swings for 5.
- Command Team readies Goldballs.
- Goldballs swings for 5 and dies to consequential damage.
- Rapid Response bounces Goldballs back to the table.
- Goldballs swings for 4.
- another Command Team readies Goldballs.
- Goldballs swings for 4 and dies to consequential damage.
- Play the first card of the turn, Make the Call into Goldballs.
- Play Attack Training on Goldballs.
- Goldballs swings for 5.
The Strategy:
Mulligan everything that isn't Finesse, Helicarrier, or Deft Focus.
If Goldballs is in your opening hand, spend him as a resource. Goldballs will wait safely in the discard.
As you're getting your economy cards on the table, you're using cheap aspect cards to keep Spider-Woman Thwarting for 3.
Once you have a couple of economy cards set up, and either a Command Team, or a Rapid Response on the table, or maybe an Attack Training in hand, get Goldballs to the table.
You will use Command Team, Make the Call, Pixie, Rapid Response, and Call for Backup to make sure Goldballs keeps bouncing back to the table.
You want the economy down early, because you want to be able to reload Goldballs AND play some other cards on the same turn.
Some turns will be about swinging with Goldballs 5 times. Some turns will be about playing a bunch of cards and swinging with Goldballs once. But once Goldballs gets on the table, you will use him at least once every turn for the rest of the game.
Card choices:
I keep multiple decks built at once, so if you're wondering where [staple card] is, it's otherwise engaged.
Dust is a good target for the extra copy of Attack Training, but Dust is also good for reducing minion HP so that Goldballs discards fewer cards to kill said minion.
Precision Strike is great with Goldballs because he can adjust his damage to ensure you get the healing.
Press the Advantage combos with Spider-Girl and Pheromones.
All the other allies are here for their "come into play" effects.
The Power of's are great because most aspect cards cost 2 or more. The wilds help with Kid Omega too.
Deft Focus has 9 targets.
Call for Backup can either be played early as an emergency Goldballs button, or you can play it with Precision Strike or Press the Advantage for the 3/3/3 stats, then thwart it immediately.
Sunfire isn't in this deck, but he could easily tag in for Dust.
I love recursion, and I love this deck.
It's a lot of fun. Let me know if you try it out!