Seeing Red

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 2287

Seeing Red

'Twas the night before Sokovia
and the android saw red,
as visions of Ultron Drones
danced in his head.

and even a god
he'll Beat 'Em Up good
with an Intangible bod!

With a Gem that gives flight
he'll bomb them away,
then switch to his Beam
and save the whole day!

I already have the video for this deck uploaded, but it won't be Public until March 5th!

So... all of the decks I build to take on Ultron are Aggression decks, and this one obviously is too, but Vision gives me something that my other builds didn't: Intangibility!

This deck lets you to stay in Intangible form and let the Drones build up (because they won't damage you when they attack), then have an explosive turn in which you draw loads of cards with "Bring It!", defeat them all with Beat 'Em Up or Bombs Away (neither of which are attacks), and load counters onto Hall of Heroes so that you can draw even more cards in Alter-Ego.

Speaking of Alter-Ego, a few cards let you Confuse Ultron to flip down, but don't flip down with a load of DRONES!:

Playing the deck

You want to stay in Intangible form until you want to flip down to Alter-Ego. Confuse Ultron, clear up all the DRONES (Neither Beat 'Em Up nor Bombs Away are Attack events, so you can still play them while Intangible), then change to Dense form. Try to have Density Control in play when you do so you'll also get a Vision event back from discard (like Solar Beam or Superdense Strike)! Do whatever you can do in Dense form, then flip down to Alter. DON'T flip down with DRONES in play because you'll scheme out despite Ultron being confused!

Just because you're in Intangible for most of the game doesn't mean you're not going to take any damage! Flip down to Recover (for 5 since you'll be in Dense form when you do) and draw extra cards on the way back up to Hero with Hall of Heroes.

You also want to do burst damage because Ultron has Boost Effects and Treacheries which heal him. Marvel Boy and Throg can both take an Energy Spear to get up to 4 ATK, and while you're not doing much (if any) Basic attacking, you could replace Ironheart with Bug for another target for the spear. Boot Camp also increases all allies ATK by 1

While this deck was made with Ultron in mind, it also beat Expert Klaw although not as easily. I'd make the following changes to make this face off against other villains more consistently:

Key Cards


Feb 19, 2025 Champion · 9

That poem is so good! I can't wait to see the video :) I'm going to try this with your suggested changes against Klaw.

Feb 19, 2025 boomguy · 2581

I'm a simple man. I see a Vision deck, I star the Vision deck.

Feb 19, 2025 JacenSketch · 82

Nicely done my dude! Excited to see the video in March!

Feb 20, 2025 SoloMarvelChampion · 2287

@Champion Thanks! I wrote, re-wrote and edited that several times before I published the deck LOL The The changes should make Klaw easier! Only a couple of his minions (Tiger Shark and Melter) attack for 3, and the latter will be knocked out by a Honed Bombs Away!

@boomguy I was gong to play your "Do Androids Dream..." deck but when I was reading through Vision's cards (because it had been a while lol) I got the idea that he'd probably be pretty good against Ultron. Plus, I always wanted to say "as visions of Ultron Drones danced in is head" LOL

@JacenSketch Thanks! I wish the video wasn't so far off! I'm doing heroes I haven't played on the channel yet in an order determined by poll, and he's pretty far down the line lol. I just couldn't resist publishing the deck now though :)