Team player Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

McMackey · 8

This deck was created to support a starlord leadership deck.

You can't use this justice deck to control all threat from the villain. But you can use is to help your fellow non Avenger Hero. This deck contains Honorary Avenger, making a non avenger hero an avenger. Play Skilled Investigator and put it under control of your fellow Hero to grand him extra cards. Put Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier into play and let your fellow hero use them. With Target Acquired and Enhanced Spider-Sense you have some control over the villain fase, protect your fellow hero. Use concussive blow so your side kick can take a breath in alter ego fase.

I had lots of fun playing this deck with a starlord deck. Out of my two plays I had one win on Klaw expert, with hydra patrol added for some more fun. I lost agains Zola expert wich I tweaked with Legions of Hydra. Maybe that was a little bit to much. Nevertheless, I had a great time playing against him with these deck (I was playing Two-handed).

Suggestions and feedback are appreciated.