Nebula's S.H.I.E.L.D. Technique

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 327

Goal is to use SHIELD Justice set to stay in Alter-Ego to take advantage of her Cybernetic Upgrades draw, build up a mass of Techniques over a few turns, and finally flip up to Hero to trigger big turns.

DON'T BE A HERO - Stay in Alter-Ego for as long as threat is manageable. This gives you the 6 Hand Size, the Cybernetic Upgrades card draw almost consistently every turn, Meditation gives you a use for your exhaust, Combat Ready is Alter-Ego but lets you trigger your techniques, and all of the other cards in the deck are playable in Alter-Ego.

HIT AND RUN - Once you get a 3+ Techniques in play start looking for good opportunities to go to Hero for a turn. Sometime you will find it a necessity to pop up but if you can wait you often get rewarded. I've had turns where I've used Lethal Intent to trigger 5+ Techniques in the turn and then trigger them all again at the beginning of next turn. Once you've cleared out your techniques it's time to run back to Alter-Ego and rebuild.

ORDER MATTERS - Pay attention to the order you resolve your techniques. When triggering at the beginning of my turn my order priority from first to last is typically : Wide Stance > Weapons Master > Cutthroat Ambition > Evasive Maneuvering > Unyielding Persistence. I always do Wide Stance first for information that could affect which schemes and minions/villians I go after, as damage reduction shouldn't matter at this point in the turn. Weapons Master benefits from both Cutthroat Ambition and Evasive Maneuvering so it has to go before them. Cutthroat Ambition benefits from Evasive Maneuvering so it has to be before it. Evasive Maneuvering and Unyielding Persistence are interchangeable as the order shouldn't matter. Specific to Unyielding Persistence though I usually put this last in case of Retaliate from the Weapons Master attacks. There could be instances though where you want to move Unyielding Persistence up before Weapons Master if retaliate would kill you.


Sky-Destroyer is our main source of damage while we are building. Our allies aren't high on damage and minions can wreck a game.

Quake did I mention minions can wreck our game. I leave quake on the board and won't use her unless it's an absolute necessity.

Letting the villain scheme is always risky, especially for low threshold main schemes. Under Surveillance can save you from some quick wipes on those low threshold main schemes.

Surveillance Team while not necessarily a priority to get down, these are your main targets for the exhaust on Homeland Intervention and Global Logistics. So hold onto them unless you absolutely need to use them. Not to mention Monica Chang will add counters to them as we cycle our deck.

Helicarrier & Nebula's Ship help to pay for ally sweet. I wouldn't prioritize them unless the board state is stable though.


Global Logistics #3 - Find this overlaps with Wide Stance and often have too much of this effect when I'd rather be progressing. Could see dropping The Power of Justice for the last copy if necessary.

Government Liaison - since it's a hero action is rarely gets used.

"Think Fast!" - This deck was built with Stalwart (confuse immune) Villians in mind. I would have some number of these in the deck otherwise. Probably 1 maybe 2 given that it's a Hero Action and I prefer to stay in Alter-Ego most turns.


Oct 30, 2022 mv2392 · 102

I love playing alter-ego/meditation decks. This one looks really fun to pilot! I think I'll take it for a spin sometime.

Oct 30, 2022 mv2392 · 102

Just defeated Expert Thanos. Threat and damage both had a point where it got hairy (ill timed piercing with big boosts) but the majority of the game I was in total control

Super fun deck to navigate. I'd probably like to fit a crew quarter in this deck somewhere, just not sure what I might cut. I will definitely take this deck for a ride again. Thanks for a great dexk.

Oct 30, 2022 KakitaJamie · 327

@mv2392 glad your enjoying it. I built it to barred on the solo champions league Expert Thanos with The Doomsday Chair. I love the encounter deck manipulation to help control the game against Thanos.

I've found I rarely flip to hero to take damage at all, so her basic recover usually takes care of keeping her up when I don't need to exhaust for Meditation. I typically prefer Down Time as a healing boost for decks where I sit in alter ego. The Power of Justice I've found to be the most likely to not get full value everyone I draw it later in the game, if your looking for a cut spot.