Catching Treacheries in her Web

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

InigoMontoya · 4468


One of my favorite things about Spider-Woman is her duality. She's a double agent. She gets two aspects instead of one. She has two traits on AE and Hero side. Her hero events count as hero cards and an aspect card. So, why not make a deck for a dual purpose?

First, in multiplayer this is a deck made to pair with heroes Like Phoenix (especially),Valkyrie, Hulk, Drax and Wolverine that either have crushing nemesis minions (Do you ever win when Dark Phoenix comes out?), or it really hurts them to get their obligation. For poor Phoenix, it's both.

You can use Spider-Tingle and Spycraft combined with Silk and Spider-Man Noir to keep Shadow of the Past in the discard pile and expert cards under Noir's control, All while doing some crazy good thwarting and chump blocking.

Second, in solo, it's fantastic for doing sneaky good damage and a lot of hidden thwarting. Betweem Hobie Brown, Spider-UK, Return the Favor and Warrior of the Great Web combined with Self-Propelled Glide you're gonna do a good bit of damage.



1) Get out Warrior of the Great Web or Spider-Man Noir as soon as you can. Both will stay on your board the whole game. If Shadow of the Past sneaks past you, put it under Noir and forget about it. The Key to Noir's ability is that the treachery must resolve. If you use Spider-Tingle, the Treachery must have another action like Surge before the "When Revealed" otherwise it doesn't count as resolved. 2 of the Expert cards have Surge and would go under Noir's control even after using Spider-Tingle. You'll have plenty of Treacheries to go under Noir by the end of the game.

2) Once Spider-Woman is a Web-Warrior or Noir is on the board, you can start playing Silk from your hand, and recurring her with Chance Encounter. Ghost-Spider can pull Pheromones.

3) Finesse and Deft Focus help with card economy. They'll make it so a Spycraft, Spider-Tingle, Self-Propelled Glide combo is free. That's 3 damage and 3 thwart.

4) Web of Life and Destiny makes Spider-Tingle worth it to use almost every villain turn. Your allies on the board can take the damage, it's worth the risk to get rid of treacheries. If it doesn't work, they'll either draw you a card or stay on the board.

Gameplay and Key Combos::

Your job here is to clear the board. You want to keep Shadow of the Past in the discard pile. You want to discard obligations and other bad encounter deck cards with Spycraft (No thank you, Fanatacism!)

  • One Way or Another then attaching Chance Encounter is fantastic for recurring Silk, Miles for the stun/confuse, Pavitr to remove tons of threat, and Spider-UK to do damage to the villain.

  • Remember that each time a Web-Warrior leaves play, you gain a card and gain +1 attack. Do a lot of putting in allies, only to use Spider-Tingle to take them out.

  • Once fully set up, with one Web-Warrior ally already out, Pavitr will remove 4 threat immediately, Spider-UK will do 4 damage when defending, Lady Spider with thwart as much as Speed, and Miles will stun and confuse. They're fantastic allies to play from your hand.

  • Return the Favor works perfectly with Spider-Tingle since you discards encounter cards until you reveal a treachery. Then you Spider-Tingle, do one damage to a Web-Warrior, and ignore the When Revealed effects, and do 5 damage to the villain. Imo, it's what the card was made for. Only do this in the final phase for multiplayer, you'll need those STs for other reasons before then.

  • Keep track of how many treacheries are left in the deck, and what's in the discard pile. Since you confuse a lot with this deck, flip to AE, and use Jessica's ability to look at the top card of the villain deck. If it's a treachery, go you can use Return the Favor without any worries of decking out.

  • End game, start using Noir's 3 thwart or attack. Return the Favor a lot.Venom Blast! Recur Hobie Brown. Turn into a damage dealer.


This is much more straight forward. Still get out Warrior of the Great Web and Spider-Man Noir. Once you have a Spider-Tingle on the board, use Return the Favor.

Get out Web of Life and Destiny as soon as you can. You won't need to thwart as much as in multiplayer, so your allies can do damage. They can also die for you to trigger +1 attack from Warrior of the Great Web.

You can still control the board and keep it clean, but if an obligation comes out, it's not the end of the world. Play Spider-Tingle and Spycraft early and often, but they can be used as soon as they come on the board rather than waiting for the perfect play in multiplayer.

Be a damage dealing Spider with all of your Spider friends while also controlling the board with the many ways above.

Either way you choose to play this deck, you should have new ways to play old cards, do damage in inventive ways and keep that awful Dark Phoenix off the board! Have fun and Merry Christmas!