
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 957

Leadership let's you have a toolbox of allies and recycle Jackpot! multiple times. Just call the hero you need!

Changes after more testing, description is also updated:

  • -1 Adam Warlock
  • -1 Goliath
  • -1 Make the Call
  • -1 Build Support
  • -1 Helicarrier
  • +1 The Triskelion
  • +1 Sharpshooter


I wanted to add a picture of Domino using a telephone but this was the closest I could find.

Making your own Luck [Strategy]

The first part is the toolbox, which works via The Painted Lady and Make the Call. Therefore, it is a priority to play The Painted Lady or Pip the Pug, who can retrieve The Painted Lady if it is discarded. You have to be a bit careful about what you discard early on, but the deck has plenty of draw, so you should find at least one.

Then, get discarding. You have Call for Aid that hits either White Tiger or resets your deck and Caliban grabs Professor X or Beast. Also you have Weapon X when in Alter-Ego. This gives you free stuff with Digging Deep and White Fox, while storing other key cards on The Painted Lady. Make the Call and Professor X make particularly good targets - If you have Professor X on there, you can guarantee having a confuse for the villain when you flip to Alter-Ego. He probably deserves a nice boat trip anyway.

The discards also leave allies for Make the Call and you can get whichever you need. It is also a good way of finding the other Domino upgrades. Probability Field is an excellent upgrade that is well worth playing - it effectively gives you 2-3-4 base stats that is often 3-4-5 when you hit a wild resource.

The other part of the deck is to recycle Jackpot!. In Hero form repeatedly use Beast, by recurring him with either Rapid Response or Make the Call. In Alter-Ego you can get Jackpot! from the discard using Domino's Alter-Ego ability (Note that when paying for Make the Call, the last card on the discard will be Make the Call not Jackpot!), or via Pip the Pug + Weapon X / Avengers Mansion. If you started with Jackpot! in hand that is already 3 uses of it in 1 turn, and you can still grab it via Beast if you have him. On turns starting in Alter-Ego you can do all of the Alter-Ego stuff first, then switch to Hero, let Beast die to consequential and get it a 4th time. So much money!

The deck sets up super quickly, either by discarding a bunch with Caliban / Call for Aid, or with an early Jackpot! / Beast. I often ended with 2-3 allies plus some support on the first turn or two. So, mulligan for those, The Painted Lady, or Pip the Pug. If you don't have Jackpot! one of the double resource cards also works.

For late game the main damage comes from Domino's Pistol and basic attacks + Probability Field. As it is effectively free damage once they are in play, you can supplement this with your allies which are good for both thwarting and attacking.

Lucky Breaks [Tricks and Tips]

  • Early on it is worth playing something to discard through the deck anyway. You probably won't discard both The Painted Lady and Pip the Pug. If you do, you should be able to reset the deck soon anyway.
  • As mentioned at the start, you can usually get the ally you need for the given situation. Professor X for confuse, Nick Fury for card draw, Outlaw for damage. Most allies have decent thwart too.
  • Domino's hero ability is effectively an extra card when putting Digging Deep back on top of the deck and discarding it via some other ability.
  • Pip the Pug + Weapon X / Avengers Mansion can get any Domino card from the discard to hand while in alter ego.
  • Note that the Jackpot! response is not forced - so if it is discarded from the deck you can leave it there if you want to.
  • Knowing which allies you have in the discard and whether Digging Deep / White Fox are still in the deck is important when using Call for Aid and Caliban.
  • Command Team works nicely to get extra uses of Nick Fury and Professor X. If you have two can even let Nick Fury die to consequential damage and bring him back with Rapid Response that same turn.
  • The Painted Lady effectively gives you an extra card whenever you are in Alter-Ego, so make sure to have at least 1 card available there.
  • You will have plenty of allies to defend with, but you also have a 3 base defence if needed, which can be boosted with Probability Field. Probability Field also works with basic recovery, although you don't get to count resources twice.
  • Professor X and Nick Fury are discarded at the end of the turn, so will be on the top of the discard and you can get them back with Domino's Alter-Ego ability.
  • For the NeXt Evolution campaign, it is best to start with the Assemble the Team player side scheme. Being able to open with Caliban is extremely strong, especially if you start with The Painted Lady as you can discard cards in Alter-Ego and get one of them into hand via The Painted Lady straight away. Going into the 2nd scenario you can guarantee opening with this! All of Establish Safehouse, Gear Up, and Mission Prep are useful after that. Safehouse is nice for getting cards with Pip the Pug, Pouches with pretty much everything in Domino's kit, and Gear Up for grabbing a Domino's Pistol.

I'm sure there are more that I am forgetting right now - but I will add others after playing some more games.

Probabilities [Testing / Card Choices]

I have tested this against plenty of expert scenarios now and it has been performing well, it feels really strong with plenty of interesting decisions. Two copies of Call for Aid and Caliban seems like the right amount of discard. You will likely see at least 1 in the first couple of turns, but there are not so many that you burn through the deck too often. As each only has one or two targets you still tend to discard a good number of cards with them.

There are some cards that I did not include, such as more Posse support, they were cut simply to make space. Atlas Bear felt a bit slow and the ally slots are usually full. I also considered Gamora, as they can be played via Make the Call and have a discard effect. Adam Warlock is also great with Jackpot! and the all of the resources, but there are so many good allies already.

Notes on Updates

Most of the cut cards were simply to make space. I was finding that I had too many allies, so had to cut two and added The Triskelion to give more space. Helicarrier was easy enough to play, but you have plenty of resources without it. You see Make the Call and Rapid Response often enough with only 2 copies of each. If you feel like any of the cut cards are useful, adding one or two and going to 42 cards would still be good. Going to 40 is good to maximise your chances of opening with Jackpot!, Pip the Pug, or The Painted Lady though.

For Call for Aid it seems better with only one Avenger ally in the end. It gives you more discards and it is nice knowing what you are going to hit - now it is either empty your deck or get White Tiger. The reset can be useful if both Pip the Pug and The Painted Lady end up in the discard early on. Goliath could provide some decent damage, but it is much simpler and cheaper to use Domino's Pistol plus Sharpshooter instead.


Aug 29, 2023 ChocoboBai · 957

I have had more time to test this out now, so have a look at the updates in the description. The overall idea is the same, it is just focussed down to 40 cards now.