Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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None yet |
Caldias · 1956
Look, I'm not going to sugar coat this. This is still a Hulk deck and comes with all the "perks" you might expect. However, some of the new aggression cards here really do help him reach some new heights in damage, and also allow him to play the side scheme game exceptionally well.
Thanks to "Now I'm Mad" we get bonuses for taking damage, and Hulk has a lot of health to keep standing while this increase to damage is up. And we also have The Direct Approach which makes Hulk a super thwarter for side schemes. Cable is slightly embarassed!
Here's what we have!
- Angela - She helps us get minions to heal and provides a nice little villain speed bump
- Blade - Cheap ally that can block and also is powered by fists. We have lots of fists!
- Sunfire - Nice for those annoying attachments, but most likely will just be another blocker for us
- Limitless Stamina - An oldie but a goodie. We like readies!
- Moment of Triumph - Helps us smooth out the healing to stay up and allow Boundless Rage to stay online
- Looking for Trouble helps us manage the main some while punching stuff
Side Schemes:
- Build Support - This gets us either Helicarrier or Banner's Laboratory
- Specialized Training - This cards absolutely slaps. With this, Combat Training - "Now I'm Mad", and Boundless Rage we can get up to a base of 7 ATK. Side schemes and villains can't stand a chance!
- Keep Them Busy - This is nice for knocking down the main scheme using our cool ATK! And you don't need to put The Direct Approach on it, so bonus!
Supports: Nothing super special here.
Upgrades: Hoo boy. We have a lot!
- "Now I'm Mad" gives Hulk more attack at the cost of some HP we were giving away anyway and a stat he doesn't care about. Good trade!
- Battle Fury - More access to ready, and lets us take some damage to turn on "Now I'm Mad".
- Combat Training - Always nice
- Counterattack - We're taking big hits, might as well give some back! And it helps us manage minions
- Ingenuity - We're a genius. We like Genius things!
- The Direct Approach - This lets us play with side schemes!
- Unshakable - nice to not care about Stun or Confuse
And there you have it! It's a Hulk deck that can reliably play with aggression cards and still take care of some schemes. Here are some sideboard possiblities:
- Plan B - Good for Hulk to dump cards into since he has to discard anyway. I wanted to include it, but I had a lot of upgrades already. You could probably cut a Counterattack to drop it in
- Build Support - This could be slotted in for one of the other side schemes as you like. It's nice to grab Boundless Rage if you ever need to flip down.
- First Aid - This could also be nice for extending our time at less than half HP and keeping Blade alive.
I hope the Hulk lovers our there can dive into these great tools that these new aggression cards provide!