Do All the Things!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ms marvel just 1 1 0 1.0

andyr · 6678

Do you hate that feeling where you have to prioritize which part of the board state to get under control? Do I need to heal? Can I leave that minion in play one more round? I'll take of that side scheme next time.

With Ms. Marvel, never worry about that again because she can do all the things. Some might even say, she's multi-talented.

This deck pilots like a standard Ms. Marvel deck. Flip often, get her upgrades and supports out ASAP, then dominate the villain.

Use Sense of Justice and Biokinetic Polymer Suit to be able to pay for Hit and Run and Multitalented. Use Shrink and Embiggen! to be able enhance each action.

With Bruno Carrelli, put your situational cards (like Turn the Tide) and an ally under him. That way, you can use him when you have a side scheme to be able to Turn the Tide, Embiggen!, use Ms. Marvel's Morphogentics to bounce back, use Turn the Tide again. That's 8 damage.

Player Side Schemes help you control using Turn the Tide and creating that 8 damage combo. Use allies to block and slow the villain down.


If you're playing multiplayer, you may not need to do ALL the things. However, it's an easy change

Great! Enjoy using Shrink on Three Steps Ahead.

Template Deck

It's really easy to shift this deck to whatever aspect your table is needing.

Ex: Aggression

The deck as-is is meant for solo, but small changes can make it excel in multiplayer. Because of Multitalented being able to be paid for by Sense of Justice and Biokinetic Polymer Suit, it's really easy to play and get all three benefits.


If you use the multiplayer variant with Three Steps Ahead, I'm not sure what the interactions are with Shrink or Passion for Justice. It'd be impressive to be able to remove 5 threat 3 times.

Either way, enjoy doing all the things!!


Aug 12, 2024 I_am_Deadpool · 1

Very cool! This deck in Justice looks awesome, but I think I am more excited to try the Aggression route. I love having humongous turns!

Aug 13, 2024 andyr · 6678

thanks, @I_am_Deadpool. friendly reminder, especially if you need thwarting abilities, you can use Chase Them Down, bump it with Shrink, bounce it with Mophogenetics, and use it again. That'll let you do a thwart of 4 and a thwart of 2 from defeating one enemy. Stick it under Bruno for when you need it. I hope it goes well.

Aug 14, 2024 dr00 · 43745

was totally expecting all the new justice events, but you're using all the new basic ones instead. good stuff haha. love to see it.

players: 'Hit and Run and Multitalented are bad'

@andyr: 'hold my Biokinetic Polymer Suit'

Aug 28, 2024 regenshine · 1

@andyr why do you include Helicarrier instead of Quincarrier in the deck?

Aug 28, 2024 andyr · 6678

@dr00 haha, thanks :). I knew using those cards would be a turn off for some, but I loved it!

@regenshine great question! It’s a mix of smaller reason, but before I state them, there’s not reason NOT to swap them if you want to. The third wild resource can help you if you are nervous about accessing it for Multitasking or Three Steps Ahead.

Reasons I opted for Helicarrier:

  • keep it scalable for multiplayer. Quin is unique, so you have to make sure no one else in multiplayer will try to Build Support it or use it as an avenger. Also, Helicarrier lets you help others, where Quin is just for you.
  • Relieve pressure on Build Support’s target. If you include Quin, then it HAS to be the target for Build Support. This can get in the way of making a choice based on the scenario and shuffle.
  • Helicarrier can be played outright (and possible with TPiAoU). Quin is a dead card until it enters play through Build Support.
  • Having that third wild is only needed for 4-7 cards in the deck, and no cards with costs are played during the villain phase where Quin really shines compared to Helicarrier.

You’re definitely welcome to sub it out. The only added fragility is to the deck shuffle with Build Support, which isn’t awful, just an extra layer of concern.

Aug 28, 2024 andyr · 6678

…sorry @regenshine, I linked Multitasking, but I meant Multitalented

Sep 13, 2024 Nseld · 14

But...Ms. Marvel isn't Avenger @regenshine @andyr

Sep 13, 2024 andyr · 6678

@Nseld the trait requirement is only if you try to play the Quincarrier, but you can get around play requirements by finding ways to “put into play”. Build Support lets you “put into play” in a similar way that you can use Make the Call to put Ghost-Spider into play without being a Web-Warrior. “Put into play” is different from “play”.

Sep 14, 2024 Nseld · 14

@andyr True... I always forget that little trick, thanks for the clarification. I tried the deck with a few minor changes for personal tastes and it is really impressive, congratulations :)