Captain America - Aggro Stun & Axe

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10801

The idea of Cap "stun lock" decks has been around for some time, and with the introduction of Drop Kick, it is possible to do so using the aggression aspect. Here's my take on it.

What you REALLY want to do with this deck is to be able to attack twice using Cap' "I can do this all day" ability, trigger Jarnbjorn each time, AND still be able to play any chosen card from your hand afterwards. This means:

  • your top priorities: put in play Jarnbjorn and resource-producing cards: Super-Soldier Serum is your best option, but you can find a temporary replacement in Enhanced Physique, which I choose over Martial Prowess because it can trigger Jarnbjorn. Also, Quincarrier helps.

  • Once you have 2 Super-Soldier Serum (or replacements) in play, you can attack twice, trigger Jarnbjorn each time and still be left with 4 cards in hand (if you started your turn in hero form). This means you can attack for 8 DMG every turn and then play cards.

  • Notice that all cards are 3-costed or less, making it possible to play any card in hand when you're done swinging your axe. This is where the stun part happens, with Drop Kick, Heroic Strike or Mockingbird. You can also stun a minion using Spider-Girl.

  • Because I want to play Drop Kick to its maximum potential, lots of cards I've included are . But you can also use Helicarrier to reduce your needs to two and, of course, every other resource card. It is actually more efficient to deal 4 DMG, stun and draw than to swing Jarnbjorn, so don't hesitate to priorize Drop Kick, given the option.

  • Press the Advantage may seem a bit off (), but it actually combos well with any stun you manage, even on minions. I've also considered Piercing Strike, which is , for this slot, or Relentless Assault for minion-heavy scenarios.

  • Skilled Strike is just icing on the cake, since you're going to attack a lot, plus it's a in case you need it to drop kick.

  • Allies: Hulk and Spider-Girl are mostly meant to block. I've included Tigra and Valkyrie in order to take care of minions.

  • I've included zero cards to thwart... sincerely, as Cap, you can already THW twice a turn, you don't need it. Don't hesitate to defend if needed, especially in the early game, but if you can get the stuns rolling, you'll be fine without.

  • 1st turn mulligan to find your axe and resources.

That's it! Pretty simple and using some common ideas, but I think it's actually nice and efficient once you got your board set up.

Have fun!