Spider-Man - Friendly Local Protector (Legacy) [P]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3981

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con Version 1 (Cards up to a and including Valkyrie release)

Sometimes a deck does not need to be complicated. This basic defence deck works wonders with Spider-Man. His inherent ability to draw cards upon being attacked is ideal for resource management and promotes cards in which the villain attacks you. Added some standard defence and healing cards and you have a versatile tank that can tank in solo but also defend multiple other heroes in multiplayer without seeing his alter-ego much.


Besides the three basic resources, I included The Power of Protection. There are limited targets for the latter, but in testing it had often proven useful due to the high card draw of Spider-Man. Furthermore, as a wild resource, it helps not only with the kickers of some cards, as well as quite some villain attachments.


  • Black Cat is best for attack, as she takes no consequential damage. She also helps in card draw and is a cheap chump in case of emergency for multiplayer, as in sole Spider-man will mostly defend for himself anyway.
  • Black Widow provides some control over the treachery cards, to strengthen Peter's protection. She synergises very well with his preference.
  • Luke Cage is a strong ally who can attack or thwart multiple times after providing some protection.
  • Nick Fury is always a good choice and adds to the pool.


  • Armored Vest is an auto-include for a defence heavy deck, making optimal use of Spider-Man's high DEF.
  • Dauntless, Electrostatic Armor and Unflappable make good use of Spider-Man's tank nature. They provide some additional card draw as well as some retaliate to fend off minions.
  • Indomitable works well, as Spider-Man likes to defend each turn. In multiplayer it lets you defend for other heroes as well. In solo, it enables you to do more than defend.
  • Spider-Tracer is his main thwarting option, besides allies.
  • Web-Shooter forms a great investment with not only a resource generator but also a net resource gain, allowing him to play his more expensive cards (of which he has quite a a lot, such as the following upgrade).
  • Webbed Up is pure gold, saving you from not 1 but two villain attacks.


  • Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier provide even stronger card draw, which helps pay for Webbed Up, Swinging Web Kick and more.
  • Aunt May is a free heal is you ever need to flip to alter-ego. This limits his time as Peter Parker to help with his difficulty on threat removal. Don't forget, keeping Spidey at full health gives him a retaliate through Dauntless.


  • If your base DEF and upgrades didn't provide you enough protection yet, there is Backflip, ensuring you almost never have to take damage again. -Bait and Switch and Get Behind Me! are great in solo to trigger multiple attacks for card draw and to utilise his DEF to the fullest while gaining ever-important threat removal or additional treachery blocking.
  • and if you can't take another attack this turn, his Enhanced Spider-Sense stops treachery cards as well. Combines with his Black Widow ally, you should always feel protected by Spider-Man.
  • Hard Knocks counters minions that don't die solely due to his retaliates. And as a plus it gives you a though to further tank as a pro.
  • Also no worries if you take any damage. Second Wind ensures you don't need to go to alter-ego and risk that threat. And in multiplayer, your fellow hero's will thank you.
  • Finally, there is Swinging Web Kick, which is his strong burst attack to take down the villain. And with the aforementioned card draw and resources, paying for it should not be an issue.

In conclusion, this Spider-Man protection deck provides an easy to play entry into the protection aspect. He shines in multiplayer, but should not be scoffed at in solo either.