Spectrum - Vigster Cardomatic Universe (VCU)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vigster · 18

Note: I build all of my heroes so my decks are optimized only in the sense of the collection - hence the VCU tag. Welcome to the Vigster Cardomatic Universe!

Like all Leadership heroes - it is the team effort that wins out and Spectrum is no different - but her aim is to get the team out while she cycles between forms.

Her Form play is what makes her interesting, so finally, Moxie has a real role to play. Then her deck is all about her allies:

  • Blue Marvel - solid at 2/2 and with the added form change enablement
  • Power Man - one shot guy really - but can still smack it before departing
  • Ant-Man - Good old Hank. No much use unless you overpay - but this is no different than the 2022 housing market - so we are all used to it. Hopefully the Fed does not crack down on him too
  • Captain America - strong fella - but probably best to play later when the team has been built (kind of weird - call in the leader after the team is done - I'd rather have it reduce the cost to bring others in by the number of Avengers in play). Anyway - I need to find another Make the Call to make his play optimized.
  • Goliath - not quite as focused a deck as War Machine's but he enters, gets S**# done and if possible followed by a Get Ready and Last Stand to exit stage left - then Goliath could actually do 10 damage in a round (12 if Mighty Avengers is in play.
  • Kaluu - what's a mystic doing here? Well - it's an avenger call out - so we hire all comers, but he can bring out a Mass Attack and help get the team to focus on the big villain hit.

How does one pay for all this kit? Avengers Mansion, Avengers Tower, Meditation, Band Together, and The Power of Leadership are in the arsenal.