Adam Warlock - Vigster Cardomatic Universe (VCU)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vigster · 18

Note: I build all of my heroes so my decks are optimized only in the sense of the collection - hence the VCU tag. Welcome to the Vigster Cardomatic Universe!

Adam Warlock is one of my serious characters. Maybe not moody, but just not into the fun of the VCU like the others. He is kind of the grandpa of the team - playing in his Soul World with his Cape and Staff

His Hero unique cards play the same in this deck as in any other deck - Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness allow for a slight boost to thwart and attack - especially once Soul World is in play - and Quantum Magic allows for the recall of Soul World in case it is discarded in one of those plays. Once Soul World is out - deck cycling helps keep options open for Adam.

On to his unique setup. This obviously works best once the two Mystic Senses cards are in play and is ideally done for multiplayer as the action can take place in each player phase allowing Adam to replace the aspect card played with 2 others. This is really powerful when Adam is not the first player - but still can work as many of the cards are low cost.

The focus of the aspects vary and they are basically built for the allies - who are the only expensive cards in the deck and they are all Guardians.

  • Quasar - Fairly normal ally - threat removal on entry and then a couple of attacks before chumping
  • Marvel Boy - Low cost attack help. Both Quasar and Marvel Boy benefit from the Comms Implant to get the extra HP and then using the Protection Battle Mage card play to heal the consequential damage. Both allies also benefit from the Energy Spear and Enraged can help with a final buff before they die
  • Martinex - mostly a defensive play that is low cost.
  • Charlie-27 - Like Pip, he enters with Toughness, so he gets to block twice and in doing so can use his retaliate power at least twice. He can be helpful in a scenario with indirect damage as he can give as much as he gets if the damage is spread out. Beyond that - he is expensive and not too useful
  • Jack Flag - ammo counters help as they can do damage without taking on consequential damage - so Comms Implant can really make Jack a scheme control ally (THW of 3 with the ability to heal the consequential damage) and do 2 damage for no cost via a hero action.

For all allies - the use of Team-Building Exercise and "Welcome Aboard" can reduce the cost for most to free. Add Summoning Spell and there is another way to get an ally in play for the cost of 2 from the main deck and Make the Call can also bring in a hero from the discard pile. So if there is an ally out there - be in hand, deck or discard pile - there are ways to get them out.

The remaining Justice cards focus on Thwart (For Justice!, One Way or Another or the Mystic’s Zone of Silence. Protection cards on damage mitigation via Shield Spell or Armored Vest and Aggression on damage with Quick Strike, Magic Attack and even Counter-Punch.

Lastly - with so many cards with a net cost of 1 - the Preservation, Determination, Audacity and Innovation cards help to deliver a bit of value to Adam in addition to their use as wild resources. Innovation supports the ally healing to enable more value from that team.

Adam does not dominate a game - but he can advance the pressure against the villain on multiple fronts - even if he is never going to make one scream in joy for that 40 damage round…