Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dthz · 71

"Spider-man, Spider-man, friendly neighbourhood Spider-man"

Yes, this is the all-defense, all of the time Spider-man build.

Here, aside from the occasional Webbed Up and Swinging Web Kick, you rarely do much during your turn and instead, save it all for the Villain Phase.

The deck is super economical with most cards costing 1 or 2, which can be paid for with Quincarrier, Web-Shooter and Ingenuity.

In the Villain Phase, this where this build really shines: your role is mitigate the villains attack actions by defending and/or stunning them. Desperate Defense and Indomitable allow you to make multiple defend actions each turn. Never Back Down allows you to defend and stun the villain, preventing them from attacking the next player. Deflection and Preemptive Strike allow you to mitigate any particularly nasty attacks the villain might make.

And when you do defend, Unflappable and Hard to Ignore ensure you are gaining resources and reducing the threat on the main scheme.

Black Cat and Moon Girl are economical as they can basically pay for themselves. Black Widow adds more Treachery card mitigation.

What Doesn't Kill Me and Second Wind add some healing in so Spider-man can stay up longer.