Ms. Marvel Passive 'Aggression' Stun-Lock with 14 DMG

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Methos · 346

"Fabulous. Now I'm in trouble, too. This has to have happened for a reason. I saved one life. Does it stop there or do I go on? Maybe this is what I've been waiting for. Maybe I'm finally part of something... bigger." - Kamala Khan: Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #2

The name of the deck says it all. Ms. Marvel does not do a lot by herself in sense of Basic powers for Thwarting, Attacking, or Defense. She will just sit there, and slap the villain with an Event card. Then she will take the Event card back and slap the villain again, just to make sure that the villain has got the message clear. Also, she will gladly discard her stuff in search of a way to make the villain more miserable (Teen Spirit). Teens... what can we do about it...

Like most Aggression decks, this deck is also focused on punching the life out of the villain. When it comes to Thwarting though, on top of the 3 events and 1 upgrade you have to help you, you also have allies to do some of the thwarting for you, although, those allies are there to mainly deal damage, and Boot Camp will help with this.

The Allies

Brawn will help you thwart every time he attacks.

Ironheart will give you an extra card.

Red Dagger's ability can be proven useful in certain situations and she has good stats.

Spider-Man's ability is great as you can use him in any situation to turn the tides.

The Locust will essentially add another card to your hand.

And on top of their abilities, each Ally will deal damage, thwart, and block for you.


"Go for Champions!" is great in this deck as you can use it during the Villain phase (Hero Action) when you need it. The card is just broken... If I draw it, I simply keep it in my hand until I need it unless I desperately need the resource to pay for Drop Kick.

-Best Combo in the deck-

Clobber compliments Ms. Marvel's Morphogenetics ability, and works in great synergy with Drop Kick. Use Clobber in combination with Embiggen! (5 dmg), return Clobber to your hand. Use Drop Kick (4 dmg plus stun, plus card draw), return Drop kick to your hand using Ms. Marvel's Morphogenetics ability. For Clobber you have to spend 2 resources of any kind. For Drop kick you are using combination of Helicarrier, Biokinetic Polymer Suit and Martial Prowess. Add one Honed Technique for each attack. You can repeat this combo every turn and permanently stun-lock the villain, deal 14 damage and draw an extra card every turn.

If you play against a villain with STALWART, this is still 14 damage every hero phase, plus an extra card.

Supports and Upgrades

Having 3 Hero Specific support cards which require Alter-Ego action means that you will always benefit when you flip to Alter-Ego. I have added, Hall of Heroes to this count which will occasionally allow you to play with a bigger hand, and Crew Quarters so you can take the maximum benefit possible from your time in Alter-Ego.

Throw into this mix Avengers Mansion, Champions Mobile Bunker and Deft Focus, and the deck becomes unstoppable with a lot of draw-power and allows you to play multiple events every phase.