Captain Marvel: Cosmic Justice Warrior

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

John Cumberland · 665

Solo Justice deck. Key Cards:

  • Energy Channel is your win condition, both of these will deal 20 damage over a couple of rounds. Don't be afraid to use Energy Absorption fro a Photonic Blast or to buy another needed card, as you have greater than 4x the amount of bolts in this deck.
  • Carol Danvers: Action ability will give you an extra card, use it to look for if you have Channel, or use it to look for Channel.
  • Alpha Flight Station is rare to get early but if you do it's a keeper. Use it to draw more resources if you got Channel or to search for Channel. Discard as Danvers and only a non- card.
  • Helicarrier saves you resources. Alpha Flight becomes free, First Aid becomes free. First Aid can help you keep our your key allies out longer. Namely Daredevil, Spider-Woman, and Jessica Jones if there are side schemes.
  • Surveillance Team not many have had good things to say about this card, but it seems you can have 3 in play at once, and you don't have to be a Hero, or Alter-Ego to use it. If you need to avoid attacks but still make a dent in a scheme one or two of these plus an ally is invaluable.
  • For Justice! is actually better than Crisis Interdiction if you don't have your Aerial trait. And with Helicarrier down it could only cost you a single resource.
  • Spider-Woman is great to play if you've flipped to Alter-Ego to heal.


  • Captain Marvel's Helmet even without Cosmic Flight will help ease Rhino's attacks, play both for a better defensive option if you get them early, otherwise if Helmet is nowhere Cosmic Flight is just a resource.
  • Mockingbird: Big charge attack incoming? or lower on heath than you expected and can't switch to Alter-Ego? Mockingbird will stun for you, thwart and defend before she leaves the board.