Tony Stark- World Leader in Energy Expenditure

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 1952

As the name suggests, this deck centers around resources as well as leaning into the discarding cards theme.

The reason behind this is Repulsor Blast which discards the top 5 cards of your deck and deals an additional 2 damage per resource discarded. The AE side of our hero also leans into discarding with his Futurist ability which allows you to look at the top 3 cards of your deck drawing one and discarding 2.

The beauty of this is that cards like White Fox and Digging Deep trigger from the futurist ability meaning that you can end up drawing more or playing an ally for free when you hit them.

Iron Man needs his upgrades to be able to survive and function so to accelerate this we have both One Way or Another and Face the Past as events to give us extra card draw. We also have Build Support and Superpower Training to get out our essential upgrades and resource generators. To allow us time to build we also have Under Surveillance to keep the main scheme from advancing, this is really nice for scenarios like Project Wideawake that have a low threat threshold.

Mark V Armor and the Arc Reactor are the main upgrades we want out for the extra Health and the ready.

Rocket Boots would be the next priority as it gives health but also allows us to go aerial for the remainder of the phase.

Quincarrier and Pepper Potts are our main targets for build support with both giving us a resource.

Ingenuity can only be played in AE but also provides a mental resource once we have it out. This helps fuel his Rocket Boots giving him aerial for the turn strengthening his Supersonic Punch and upgrades.

Built Out

Fully built out Iron Man can have up to 20 HP from Mark V, Endurance and his Rocket Boots as well as 3 resource generators from Ingenuity, Quin and Pepper.

Heroic Intuition bumps him to 3 thwart allowing for easier clearing of side schemes as well as keeping the main scheme down.

Skilled Investigator provides card draw when we defeat a side scheme which we should regularly have out with 2 copies of one way and 3 PSS.

The idea with Iron Man in this deck is to tank hits since his defense is not great and use the combination of his strong thwart as well as Sonic Rifle to flip down for recovery as well as take advantage of his futurist ability regularly. Sonic Rifle also double as a tech upgrade increasing our hand size in hero form. With his thwart being up to 3 with Heroic out, we also have Turn the Tide which deals 3 damage to an enemy when he removes the last threat from a scheme.

We will use his events for large chunks of damage which is what the deck centers around. Repulsor Blast can hit for a maximum of 13 damage if you hit Energy as well as 4 other cards with icons. The normal amount is 5-7 damage and once we are built out we will routinely hit digging deep or White Fox giving us extra resources or a free ally.

Supersonic Punch becomes an 8 damage event when he has aerial from rocket boots and we spend a mental resource. Between Quin and Ingenuity it is pretty easy to hit this every turn once built out.

Generation X is included to allow us to search for Repulsor Blast or Supersonic Punch when we want to go for the finish or need to clear a minion.

A sample turn could look like this:

Have Generation X out with a Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch in hand.

Use a and rocket boots to go aerial.

With both copies of Powered Gauntlets out, each will 2 damage from being aerial.

Play a Repulsor Blast which can deal up to 13 damage.

Play Supersonic Punch which is now 8 damage from being aerial.

Clear Gen X to grab another copy of Repulsor Blast and deal up to another 13 damage.

The max damage we could put out with this would be 40 damage if we hit both Repulsors for 13 damage, more than likely it will be more like 26 damage as Repulsor typically hits around 7 damage. This is still enough damage to clear most villains stage even in expert and once set up is fairly easy to achieve.


The deck is light on allies but they all lean into the theme of discarding cards and have synergy with this playstyle.

White Fox gets put into play when she is discarded from the top of the deck which we have several ways of doing in both hero and AE

Wolfsbane lets you discard the top card of your deck when she thwarts and you get to name a card type, if the card is that type you get to draw it. Since most of the deck is Upgrades and events calling those will typically get you the draw. Regardless of whether you call it right, Digging deep and white fox will also trigger.

Legion lets you discard the top card of your deck when he attacks or thwarts. Most of the symbols in this deck are and meaning he's going to remove 2 threat or deal 2 damage. Like Wolfsbane, if he hits White Fox or Digging Deep their effects trigger.

Wiccan also discards when he thwarts but from the top of the encounter deck dealing damage based on the number of boost icons on that card.

We also have 3 copies of Chance Encounter which allows us to continually grab allies. We use their activations and then defeat side schemes to recur them. With the amount of resource generators and our events being pretty cheap it is really easy to continually play them.

Shoutout to Corbintm for their feedback on the deck when building it!

Overall, I have really enjoyed this deck and it has performed really well. I would love to hear any feedback or experiences with it!