The Bunny Thumper

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 424

I was having a lot of fun with a Nova Aggression Honed Technique deck with Dive Bomb, Into the Fray, and Melee until I ran into Ronan's bunny face on the Universal Weapon card as he beat me to a pulp in the fourth round. Now Sam is leporiphobic and won't get out of bed, so it's time to take advantage of the worst combo break in Marvel Champions and get Nova back in action.

Strategy: Mulligan all cards for Ms. Marvel and "Go for Champions!" (GFC). Nothing on her card says the damage is required to be paid for the response, so playing the card nullifies the damage, and Kamala will get it back in your hand for only the cost of her exhaustion. Each turn you pay 3 resources on GFC to protect all of the Champions in an infinite loop.

This sounds broken, but you have to survive to setup, and even then you can lose while paying 3 resources every turn to avoid damage. This deck is made to survive four to five rounds versus insanely difficult villains in case a setup card is on the bottom of your deck. After setup, you must thwart and attack enough to win before threatening out. And Ronan is still dangerous if you aren't paying attention. I've lost to him with this deck, but then again, Ronan expert is insane. Try hero difficulty if you're just as insane.

If a needed card is at the bottom of your deck, there are extra allies to chump block and draw cards, Brother Voodoo, Ironheart, and Nick Fury. You can also defend and use Ever Vigilant (EV) to ready and draw another helmet resource. Champions Mobile Bunker adds flexibility and helps setup, a great card if you remember to use it when you need to. Surviving the setup is the only exciting part of this deck. Afterward, you're just torturing the villain. This deck isn't meant to be fun; it's payback to over-the-top difficult villains.

Med Team will help keep Sam alive and put him over 10 HP for other benefits, but use The Night Nurse if you need to remove status cards from a hero while fighting a different villain.

Pinpoint will shuffle in cards like Fighting Fit, Unleash Nova Force, or Pot Shot every turn. Moon Girl or optionally Snowguard will attack or thwart every round not taking damage due to GFC. After setup, those two allies and Ms. Marvel should stay out for the rest of the game.

Versus scheming, Hard to Ignore will constantly remove up to three threat, and you can use Lightspeed Flight for side schemes. Bait and Switch is an overpowered card with GFC.

If Nova readies with Unleash Nova Force or EV, his basic power attack can help with removing a tough status. I would change out three events with 3 Beat 'Em Up cards if the scenario has multiple enemies with toughs or lots of low HP enemies as Ultron does.

Endurance allows Dauntless and Fighting Fit to be used. With this deck, Nova should defend the villain's attack every round to draw a card using Unflappable, to remove up to three threat with Hard to Ignore, and to retaliate up to 2 with Dauntless and Electrostatic Armor.

Seven wild cards and Supernova Helmet help maximize Nova's event card damage so that he can destroy scenarios and still pay for GFC. Forcefield Projection isn't as efficient as Pot Shot, so it is used less due to the resources needed for GFC or more efficient attacks.

Some good cards that I chose not to use: Avengers Mansion creates tempo loss but could be swapped with Helicarrier or both dropped; at hero-difficulty, I prefer more events for board control. Deft Focus won't get much use due to wilds being counted as 2 resources, but I could see it added just for Unleash Nova Force. Team-Building Exercise isn't efficient with the chosen allies and you may not need allies if you setup quickly.

This GFC strategy isn't new, but hopefully you find some new ideas in here.


A fun Hulk deck that actually beats moderate expert villains is my next obsession. Have fun Bunny Thumpers!