Spider-Man Taunts the Villain

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 1419


  • Jump Flip is a placeholder for Taunt until it's released with the Angel hero pack (9/22/23 in the US). I built this deck to test Taunt by proxie.
    • Taunt is a 1 cost event with the resource and the following text: "The Villain attacks you. Other characters cannot defend against this attack. Draw 3 cards."
    • Taunt isn't about drawing for the sake of drawing; in combination with other draw effects and several resource generators it helps dig for - and have resources to play - Swinging Web Kick.
  • I'm not running Hard to Ignore because this is a "dig for Swing Web Kick" deck rather than Perfect Defense, so Not Today! is here for the threat removal and also has a resource to synergize with Black Cat and help pay for Moon Girl (for draw).
  • Side Step can deal damage despite so few resources with Quincarrier and Web-Shooters, can be played at the last possible moment (because you may not even have to play it), can defend against any source of damage, and has a resource for the above-mentioned synergies.
  • Jocasta can retrieve a Backflip, Side Step, or Not Today! from discard (remember, Jump Flip is really Taunt), and since it attaches to her (and not in your hand) it's a "free" card which makes Taunt a little more efficient. This allows you to defend and play the defense card attached to her rather than playing one from your hand.
  • Spider-Sense, Moon Girl, Nick Fury, Ironheart, Taunt, and Unflappable all draw cards, Black Cat is a "pseudo-draw" with many of cards having a to hit, and Brother Voodoo can potentially grab you an event, so I don't mind running 43 cards here.


You can only play Moon Girl, Ingenuity and Meditation in Alter-Ego, so I'll usually mulligan for one of them, but I always keep a The Power in All of Us or Genius because one of them plus Peter's Scientist ability will pay for Moon Girl with max card draw. I also like to keep a Web-Shooter, Armored Vest and/or Unflappable because Peter's Scientist ability will pay for one of them. I always dump Webbed Up, and will sometimes dump Swinging Web Kick because the deck cycles so quickly and I'll see it again soon.

Also, an opening hand Meditation and Nick Fury is a great combo! Meditation let's you play Nick for 1, which you can do with Peter's Scientist ability!


Taunt has been really good in Spider-Man for three reasons:

  • Resource Generators: He has two copies of Web-Shooter in his kit, and easy access to Quincarrier and Ingenuity (one version of this deck also had a Helicarrier). This means you'll almost always have at least one of them in play to pay for Taunt.
  • Spider-Sense: After playing Taunt from hand for "free" with a resource generator it's immediately replaced with Spider-Sense.
  • 3 DEF plus Armored Vest lets you Defend for 4, which might not soak ALL of the damage, but if it does you draw another card with Unflappable.
    • You might throw another card at it (Backflip / Side Step / Not Today!), in which case Unflappable just replaces that card.
    • You may decide to just take the damage, which is easily healed with 3 REC + Aunt May. I've done this several times when I had Moon Girl or Ingenuity in hand since I was going to need to flip down anyway to play them.

Final Thoughts

  • I like Taunt a lot in Spider-Man, but it's definitely not a "play it every time you see it" card. Pick your moments wisely though and it's very powerful!
  • I had two copies of Energy Barrier in this deck for a long time, but in almost every game I had them in play they weren't needed. But in the games when they would have been used they were REALLY needed!

Testing Record: 14-4 overall

  • Ebony Maw: 2-1
  • Sandman: 3-0
  • Venom: 3-0
  • Mysterio: 2-1
  • Sinister Six: 3-0
  • Venom Goblin: 1-2, but that 1 win was VERY lucky, because I drew Nick Fury at the EXACT right time to defeat two Guard minions and give me an opening for the winning Swinging Web Kick!

Jun 10, 2023 celric · 441

With several cards only usable in AE and low THW, seems like schemes might get out of hand.

What about dropping some duplicates for Professor X? His confuse and 3 THW could win you a lot of games.

Jun 10, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1419

@celric Professor X is already in the deck, and he's definitely come in clutch more than a few times :)

That said, now I'm playing this through Mad Titan's Shadow (going to replay the Ebony Maw games) with 40 cards after removing an Armored Vest, Side Step and Meditation (which is great when you have it at the right time, but I only played it four times in those 18 test games). That mix may change, but I want to keep two Ingenuity in hopes of hitting it in my opening hand or mulligan, and two Unflappable to ensure I get it into play as early as possible.

This actually lets me test two things:

  • Can Black Cat still get a two-card pull minus the three resources in the deck? Surely she can, and this wasn't even "guaranteed" with them in.
  • Will Brother Voodoo still find an event with two fewer in the deck? Probably! He only whiffed one time in 14 test games (he wasn't in the earliest versions of the deck) with 16 events.

I will eventually post a Version 3 of this deck, but I'm still many games of away from that.

Jun 10, 2023 THE_NickFury · 1

I'm pretty new to the game and dont even have most of the cards in this deck. But I find it strange in a solo game to test cards that arent even available yet. I always did this with magic but whats the point in a non-competetive game?

Jun 10, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1419

@THE_NickFury The quick answer is "It's fun to try new cards".

The slightly longer answer is that I had just been working on a Protection deck and wanted to be able to draw more cards, and then Taunt was revealed in the Angel announcement. I thought it would be pretty good in Spider-Man and since I hadn't played him since I first got my Core set, I decided to just go for it. Even in a solo / co-op game I still get exited when I see an interesting card revealed. It's fun to play with new toys, I look at new hero announcements as "try before you buy" material (but I'll definitely be buying it).