Grootians of the Groot

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GhostWithKnife · 108

I have avoided the Guardians campaign like the plague. I've been warned that it's incredibly bad and I shouldn't get it, but the time has come. I need Hand Cannon for X-23 and Deft Focus has been a proxy in my decks enough. Since I'm torturing myself with it, I decided that I need to build a deck for one of it's heroes. I may not be the biggest fan of the wave (I only really liked Drax and Agent Venom isn't a Guardian in my eyes) but every wave has a diamond in it. Is it Groot? No, but it was this or Star Lord, and Groot has funny shorts on Disney Plus.

Groot has a good ability. He uses special Growth counters to prevent damage. That's really cool. His best cards demand he has a lot of them. Not that bad. He is FORCED to use them when damaged. That is atrocious. So we're putting as many bodies between us and the villain as possible. Some of you may die, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.

On a different note, because we are a Guardian we get "Welcome Aboard" which is cool. Combo that with Make the Call and we can recur allies nicely! Plus, cards like Regroup and Med Lab combo nicely with Knowhere to help net us advantage.

So that's the plan. Put a tricorn hat on Groot and let him run the ship.


Mar 28, 2025 denyingkyrie · 16

This deck looks really fun. I look forward to giving it a try. My only concern would be that Welcome Aboard doesn't work with Make the Call for some reason, according to the comments on Make the Call's card page. But I'll probably ignore said ruling and play it anyways.

Mar 28, 2025 GhostWithKnife · 108

I was worried about that. Make the Call doesn't recast it. Still a good card when all you want to do is not lose growth.