Spider-Man - "In neighbour we trust" (protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Man - "In neighbour we trust" (protection) 0 0 0 1.0

Alexin · 205

UPDATE (18/07/2021): Thanks @didacles for raising the point about Expert Defense


3x Expert Defense and The Night Nurse


3x Preemptive Strike and Nerves of Steel

I honestly have some doubts about removing The Night Nurse. I think it might be quite useful in a multiplayer game, but probably depends on a villain that deals conditions to heroes. If not; I´d give the edge to Nerves of Steel.

This deck is designed for multiplayer, to allow your friends to stay in hero form (and doing it yourself) as long as possible. This will control villain´s plans greatly as he will barely schemes, and also will deliver the most out of the Avengers since many and most powerful actions are restricted to hero form.

The whole point about a protection deck in a multiplayer environment is not just to be able to defend yourself, but also to defend your friends. This deck thinks itself in a group where other essential roles are also covered, such as someone dealing quick and hard with minions appearing.

About resources and costs

I always try to create decks with a cost ranging from 40 to 50 resources (adding up cost of all cards), this one is exactly 50, but it has resource cards (Energy, Genius) and four resource generators Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Spider-Tracer. These generators have a great sinergy with deck because it contains 25 cards with a cost of 1.

About first turns

Putting into play your upgrades as quickly as you can should be your top priority, focusing on resource generators to accelerate your deck. After those, Armored Vest and Unflappable are key to have in play early.

About handling threat

There is no better way to prevent villian from scheming than harassing all time while in hero form, that is what you will mostly do. However, now and then you will have to switch to Peter in order to heal (preferibly with Aunt May in play so you can recover fully) and this increase threat. Anyhow, you need to support your friends when removing secondary schemes that can be very nasty. You have Spider-Tracer and Hard to Ignore, that is really a fantastic card. Defend is what will you most turns, and once you have in place your tools, you will be hardly ignored ;) Removing threat by free each turn is very good, although it can only target main plan, which is the biggest weakness of this deck.

About handling attacks

Here is what you do best. You have Basic DEF 3, which is great to start with. On top of it, you have 11 event defense cards, that are reactions when attacked. The amazing Backflip won´t even exhaust you, so you are ready to defend against another attack. Exhausting you to defend with Desperate Defense will ready you if you take no damage and Never Back Down will stun the enemy if you take no damage. Finally, you have Preemptive Strike, that can be used against a villain´s weak attack after he draws a powerful encounter boosting card to turn it against him.

One of the big challenges of defendive builds is that you will spend these cards in the villain´s phase, after drawing cards, so you will have a reduced hand afterwards. We have ways to mitigate this, such as ability of Spider-Man and Unflappable, an essential upgrade discussed above.

We shouldn´t be concerned with ending villain´s phase exhausted. If we have to choose among a basic attack and a successful defense in the previous phase, choose the latter. We also have resources to boost a defense Dauntless and Electrostatic Armor, that won´t spend or exhaust.

Lastly, our best performance relies in being able to defend ourselves and friends. We have a great card here Indomitable, that we can play in hero´s turn and having it available with full hand in villain´s turn. It simply will allow us to use our basic DEF more than once when needed.

A final note, don´t be afraid to empty your hand in hero´s turn. There are many defense events in the deck, 11 cards. Just check your discard pile and examine your chances of drawing a defense event. Analyse situation on the field and decide, specially in the first turns. Often you will have to decide to spend defense events to play upgrades, do it with no fear. You may always defend with your basic skill, that is good.

About last part of the game

You have defense engine up and running, which means you have played most of your upgrades and support cards. With the exception of The Night Nurse, Indomitable and Spider-Tracer, you have 15 permanent cards, which will allow to cycle and have quick access to your powerful defense events and cards very often. Now is the time to comfortably play Webbed Up and Swinging Web Kick, stun-lock the villan with Never Back Down and finish him off with the help of your friends.

I am still doing adjustments and tests for solo play, will come back soon


Jul 16, 2021 neothechosen · 10618

Cool deck! Multi protection Spidey has always been incredible. Have you considered Nerves of Steel and Deft Focus? Imo you could cut the double resources for these without hurting too much, plus that's 2 more permanents to thin your deck.

Jul 16, 2021 Alexin · 205

Thanks for the feedback @neothechosen. Not really, I only carry 5 superpower cards Enhanced Spider-Sense and Swinging Web Kick, and 6 defense events with cost of 1 Desperate Defense and Never Back Down, so it is unlikely that both Deft Focus and Nerves of Steel will be used every time they are in play.

Note that all other resource generators are universal. And regarding deck thinning, this must be balanced. By pushing it too much, you might have turns where you simply leave resources unspent. Nothing serious, but concerning

Jul 16, 2021 Didacles · 1

I don’t understand the Expert Defense... wouldn’t it be better to have Subdue or Preemptive Strike instead? 7 defense (3 basic+3 event +1 of the Vest) would be overkill most of the time...

Jul 16, 2021 Alexin · 205

I see your point @Didaclesbut Expert Defense doesn´t need to played along with basic defense action, thus exhausting hero. I might have a minion with 1 to 3 ATK and then use it without exhausting Spider-Man, or I might use it to defend ocasionally against a weak villain (a few have attack 1 specially in phase I or II).

Aditionally, it has a cost of zero, and this is very important if I want to defend against several attacks in a single turn.

Jul 16, 2021 neothechosen · 10618

I'm pretty sure you need to defend for Expert Defense to work. This is not Side Step.

Jul 16, 2021 Alexin · 205

This was changed in last version of the rules @neothechosen. It literally reads:

When a player resolves a triggered ability labeled as a defense—such as “Hero Interrupt (defense)”—that player’s identity becomes the defender and is considered to have defended the attack (they do not reduce the damage dealt by their DEF value). Unless specified by the ability’s text, a hero does not exhaust when using such an ability. The defending player may resolve any number of defense abilities during an enemy attack (as long as the triggering conditions of those abilities are met).

So, I can defend an attack by two ways, that can (or not) be combined: I can exhaust and add my defense value, or I can play a hero interrupt defense. The latter is what I am talking about here, playing Expert Defense without exhausting hero. By playing it, you are defending. You can find it in page 11 of the rules.

Jul 17, 2021 neothechosen · 10618

@Alexin Ok... I think I get it. You defend but get no benefit from the +3def, because you're not ysing your basic def ?

Jul 17, 2021 Alexin · 205

Exactly @neothechosen. I defend by playing an Interrupt defense, such a Expert Defense, which is valid for everything that triggers "when you defend". The deal is that if I defend against a weak villain attack or a minion attack, I will not exhaust hero, so I have him free to defend with basic DEF another attack, or to start ready next turn

Jul 17, 2021 neothechosen · 10618

Well I completely overlooked that regarding Expert Defense. Thanks for pointing it out!

Jul 17, 2021 Didacles · 1

Oh, so you “take 1 damage for the team” by discarding an Expert Defense? Am I understanding it right? Spidey becomes the defending character but does not reduce the damage at all?

Jul 17, 2021 Alexin · 205

No. In order to "become the defender", you need either play an interrupt defense action (such an event card like Expert Defense or any other) OR exhaust your hero in basic defense action, which will detract your DEF value from the attack.

So, in order to become defender of an attack (against myself, or another hero), I can play Expert Defense and NOT to exhaust my hero, to reduce attack by three (as stated by the card)

Jul 18, 2021 Didacles · 1

Sorry but I don’t think that is correct. In order to play an interrupt (rules, pg 18) the triggering situation must be happening (and Expert Defense requires your hero to be already defending against an attack).

Also, even if you are defending by playing a interrupt defense event (such as Preemptive Strike, for example) and then you play Expert Defense, you do not reduce the damage by 3 as you are not reducing the damage by your DEF (and Expert Defense only raises you basic DEF).

Jul 18, 2021 Alexin · 205

Hi @DidaclesI had a long discussion yesterday with a friend, precisely about this, and he shared your point of view. You might be right, so I what I am going to do is to replace Expert Defense with Preemptive Strike, that I like better than Side Step for this deck. I also consider to replace The Night Nurse with Nerves of Steel, since with the addition of Preemptive Strike I´d have now 9 defense events with a cost of 1.

Thanks so much for the feedback

Jul 18, 2021 Didacles · 1

I will check the FAQs to be sure (the wording is not really clear…), but the deck is solid, and even with 41 cards it may be worth to keep The Night Nurse! Hope you have great fun with this deck!