Adam Warlock - Crush them like a Bug

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

calderc23 · 82

Deck Concept: This deck was mostly built with multiplayer in mind. Also my group plays we have to build the deck before we know who we are fighting so we can't optimize the deck too much. As such I will provide a list of alternate cards at the end for unique cards that might have been taken by the other players.

By far Adam Warlock most important strategy is his Battle Mage ability. Once his upgrades are out you can ready yourself and draw 2 cards each turn plus whatever ability you choose which is awesome. Early game you are focusing on getting your upgrades out so until you have one Mystic Senses cards out just spend your resources efficiently and don't feel like you have to use the Battle Mage.

Your first run through the deck you need to be careful about milling the deck as you ABSOLUTELY have to get out Warlock's Cape, Mystic Senses, and Soul World out. Luckily you have two Quantum Magic that lets you get a card from your discard pile. I would still use the milling cards until you have milled one of the critical cards above as long as you still have at least 1 Quantum Magic left. Don't be too concerned if you get unlucky and mill them both as you go through your deck so fast that you should be able to see it again the next time around.

As the name implies this deck focuses on turning Bug into a power house and taking advantage of the Agent Coulson/Rapid Response combos.

Every time you play Coulson you use his power to search for and draw Rapid Response. He will thwart for 2 and when he dies you can use rapid response to bring him back with 1 less health and start the process all over again.

For Bug he heals 1 point of damage every time you do a basic attack. Warlock's Cape readies you once every turn so you can easily do this every turn or even twice if you don't defend. This means that Bug should never die once he gets out. The goal is to get the Energy Spear, Laser Blaster, and Inspired all on Bug so that he can do 5 damage every turn.

Aggression Cards

Clobber is great because if it is the first card you played it comes back into your hand. Aggression and Justice are your best Battle Mage abilities so it fits in great here. Combat Training is included to take advantage of all of the attacks you do to heal Bug. Magic attack helps you mill your deck and 5 damage for 1 resource is a fantastic ratio.

Justice Cards

Everything said for Clobber applies to Impede as well. Wraith was included to remove Boost abilities. You can substitute Wiccan instead as he just barely missed the cut. Multitasking and Zone of Silence were included as they remove more than 2 threat per resource spent. Under Surveillance is here to keep those low threat main schemes from popping.


Make the Call is here in case you mill bug, otherwise use it to get Maria Hill out. The other players will thank you. I went back and forth between taking #Nowhere + Regroup vs The Triskelion as Regroup works on anyone's ally so it is especially good in multiplayer but settled on 1 less basic card and just taking The Triskelion instead as you will be at the ally limit.


If you are playing solo this is the aspect that needs the most changes. As Coulson will block once per turn so you really don't need more defense. In multiplayer however the ability to block for other players is extremely helpful. Armored Vest and Booster Boots mean you will have a base of 4 defense. Shield Spell is free and means you don't even have to block and helps you mill to get those soul stones. Night Nurse is an auto include just because it heals at the same ratio for the cost as Med Team but also removes a status effect. Starhawk gives you 2 Attack and 1 Thwart every turn then comes back into your hand.


Endurance is included because Soul World heals up to your maximum health. Helicarrier and The Sorcerer Supreme gives extra resource generation. As detailed below the double resource cards were included to help pay for everything the first time through the deck.

Design Decisions I know the first thing people are going to scream at me is that I didn't keep this build to only 40 cards and I just want to say this was a very deliberate decision. I first tried doing that with 5 cards per aspect and 5 Basic cards but I found that with half of the deck being not aspect cards I would have turns with NO aspect cards in hand and that is a disaster as you can't use the Battle Mage ability. I then tried it with 6 cards per aspect and only 2 Basic cards (Sorcerer Supreme and Endurance) but then I found the first play through the deck extremely painful as with no double resource cards it was MUCH harder to get your kit out. I also took a second look at his hero event cards and realized they are only slightly better than aspect cards. Most of Adam Warlock power comes from his battle mage ability so I don't think there is as much a need to limit yourself to only 40 cards.

Solo Play/Unique cards to switch out if already taken

Aggression: If Hall of Heroes was taken by another player or playing a Villain with no minions substitute in Skilled Strike since you are attacking every turn and it is free. Another possible choice is Boot Camp as you have 3+ allies out but the high cost of the card means I almost never get it out the first time through the deck as you have higher priorities.

Justice - You can switch Wiccan for Wraith if he is already taken or playing someone with minimal boast effects. If Under Surveillance is taken already take For Justice!.

Leadership - If Maria is taken my next choice would be White Tiger as she also gets card draw.

Protection- This is the one that will need the most changes in solo. You already have LOTS of defense so you don't need Never Back Down or Desperate Defense. I would keep Shield Spell as it cost nothing so you can possible save spending 2 to bring Rapid Response back. I go either way on Night Nurse as you can remove status affect if you go to alter ego by discarding a card. The next 3 cards I would take would be Tackle and Iron Fist for the stun effect which is more powerful in solo. For the last card take Brother Voodoo for the card draw. In this case I would go ahead and add Knowhere as well to help handle the extra allies in your deck and for the card draw.

Basic - For Solo remove Booster Boots and add Knowhere.